demo - Vision Craft

Self Healing
It provides self-healing properties and fills up cracks.
Self Healing
Recycled Concrete
Concrete can be recycled by adding Conkreguard.
Recycled Concrete
Enhanced Sulfate/Acid Resistance
It enhances sulphate and acid resistance.
Enhanced Sulfate/Acid Resistance
Improved Weatherability
​Conkreguard improves the weatherability of the mix and ensures better resistance in adverse climates.
Increased Strength
It increases the compressive strength and bonding strength of the concrete.
Increased Strength
Increased Strength
It increases the compressive strength and bonding strength of the concrete.
Increased Strength
Cost Effective
Extremely cost-effective as the cement percentage in the cementitious/concrete mix can be replaced with cheaper material and still provide superior results
Cost Effective
Conkreguard is completely eco-friendly . Moreover, the reduction in cement ensures reduced carbon footprints.
Withstands high temperature.